Men's Sexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction

When a man is unable to achieve a full erection or experiences a loss of sex drive, it is called Erectile Dysfunction, and surprisingly affects more than seventy percent of the male population. Cialis and Viagra are common options for a man to use to return their sexual functions, however, they are not the only solutions.

A blood panel test can be taken to determine if hormones could help a man achieve full erections, more energy, and the desire to have sex. When hormones are boosted to the level they were at before changes were noticed in a man’s sexual drive, it can help him bring back his sexual desires.

Looking at your lifespan from an evolutionary standpoint, humans were only expected to live thirty to forty years. With a lifespan as short as this, your body’s hormones needed for sex or the ability to climax regularly drop off around this age. Other factors such as toxicity, stress, and natural aging, increase a male’s chances of experiencing depleted hormones around the age of 30.

Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction

Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) does not mean you will never experience an erection. ED typically means your erection will be softer than when you were younger, or it will subside before you are able to ejaculate.

L’Essencecan treat many symptoms associated with ED, including:

  • No desire to have sex
  • No desire to masturbate
  • Soft erections
  • No erections
  • No energy for sex
  • The ability to hold an erection to reach a climax


ED is a touchy subject for most men, but at L’Essence we understand the need to be discreet. Our doctors are here to help you learn the reason for your ED, and help you find relief by bringing your testosterone and estrogen levels back to normal. Talk to us today and learn how to address ED in the safest way possible.


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